Saturday, June 6, 2009


ate at benihana's wit my step sister&cousin:) hellla fuckin good,then we went to tha mall inda city& watched daisy shop for hella long. then we left tha city& niki swooped us.dropped me offf my dads house,then came back&dropped me off to norberts house,stay there till like 3 am untill antonio&them swooped me..then it took me at least 4 minutes to get in tha car cus they were fucked up&it was a 2 door car n no one wud move cus they were drunk as fuck!!!!then got home,talked to marielle onda phone then knocked out since LAMMY flaked on me,finally haha jk..i deserved i guess were gona burn it nxt time..


woke up...went to chey&hannahs grad rehearsal,then ate sushi:) went to cheys n jus chilled.then went to tha mall&visited janelle mercado,i miss her so much!!! then went home,&then got ready n went to cathy,bank,then to nv! seeen hella muthafuckin people i havent seen in forever&my sister was there..whaaaaa?! hahaha too bad my bestfriend marielle wasnt there,stupid hoe hahah jk.i rolled wit hannah &courtney.see chey wit nalani n em,had 2 adios's yummm:)..then flaked on lamar like always,wat else is new hahahahahahh! knocked out at home.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009


lately i beeen to lazy to blog-_- but anywho,i was in vallejo,for baptism classes for my cute lil godson aiden jeremy:)&i got to seee my mona&nancie that hoe! ahha jk.....OMG my step brother randy,known for havin his long hair FINALLY got cut up,by norbert..thanx to meeeeeee ! now he looks better.. my godson gained hella weight hes so chubby,but its so cute! i spent hellaaa fuckin $$$$$$$$$ tho...omg,&cody owes me $5...for some damn stogs....GROSSS! i WAS spose to see my bestfriend erl,BUT NOOOO!,its all good tho. then got home around 1145,ate hellla then talk to norbert for like an hour,but got off bcus i was fallin asleep on him..haha! then i knocked...finalllyyyy off tomorrrow..yay:)sleeping in...

friday may 29th

bye bye charbeezy!
:(char left for tha p.i,stupid slut left me:( hahahaha jk....but at least its only for a month! but still,thats pretty long! so sad...CHEY,ME&ANTONIO stayd at tha airport untill she left for her flight...&omg char reallly had to bring her bear wit her...after that,me&antonio smoked,got thai tea:),swooped ma,then got L&L,yummmy! then off to alvins heez,sincve his parents left to tha phillipines toooo.drank a little,then went home&knocked out wit my bestfriend..tha usual